All the latest news and stories about Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and the brain.

International Women's Day

York Region
March 3, 2022

Worldwide, women with dementia outnumber men 2 to 1. In recognition of International Women’s Day, we are celebrating all of the women who are leading the way in dementia research, education, support and services for all of those living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

Senior mother kisses daughter's head

Valentine's Day for Caregivers

York Region
February 10, 2022

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and if your significant other is living with dementia, holidays like this one can be especially painful.

image of candy hearts

Life of the Party - Randy Cliff's story

York Region
October 27, 2021

Stouffville resident Randy Cliff was always the life of the party. He was diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia, shortly after his 60th birthday and it has caused many irreversible changes in him, including the loss of his voice and more recently, his mobility.

Photo of randy, his wife Lori and their two grandkids

Champion Racer is Back to Raise Funds

York Region
August 19, 2021

Jake Cowden races formula 1600 cars in the Toyo Tires series and go-karts on his free weekends. For the second year now, Jake is racing for good and raising funds for AS York in honour of his grandmother, Joyce, who lives with dementia.

picture of Jake Cowden holding a cheque

AS York Announces New Board Member

York Region
July 29, 2021

The Alzheimer Society of York Region is pleased to announce Raza M. Naqvi MHSc, MD, FRCPC, Geriatric Medicine Specialist, Markham Stouffville Hospital and Assistant Professor, Division of Geriatric Medicine, University of Toronto, has joined the Board of Directors.

Dr. Raza Naqvi

Honorary Family - David and Bruce Rhodes

York Region
April 28, 2021

Liz Maynes was 61 when she passed away in 2019 after a nine-year battle with young-onset dementia. Her husband Bruce Rhodes and their son David are this year's Honorary Family for the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's taking place virtually May 29.

Family photo of David, Bruce and Liz standing in front of trees and a mountains.

Food for the Brain webinar - free

York Region
April 13, 2021

 Bonnie Wisener will talk about the importance of what to eat in a seminar that kicks off the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's. #IGWalkforAlz

Head and shoulder shot of Bonnie Wisener, a registered holistic nutritionist, sitting in front of tall green plants some with yellow flowers.

Holy Trinity School - partnership

York Region
March 25, 2021

After experiencing a Minds in Motion program for people living with early to mid-stage dementia and their care partners, Holy Trinity School student Jay Hung knows more about this fatal disease and the people living with it, and he shares that knowledge with his school community.

Head and shoulder shot of student Jay Hung

Dr. Sharon Cohen talks about dementia

York Region
February 17, 2021

Dr. Sharon Cohen is the medical director of the Toronto Memory Program and is the guest speaker of AS York's upcoming virtual Forget-Me-Not Breakfast, April 24. Funds raised at this event go to programs and services to York Region residents impacted by dementia.

Head and shoulder shot of Dr. Sharon Cohen from the Toronto Memory Program on top of a forget-me-not flower background.