All the latest news and stories about Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and the brain.

Missing special people at AS York

York Region
February 9, 2021

Jennifer Dance Bowen cares for her husband Feroze, who lives with Alzheimer's disease. She talks about how COVID-19 impacted both of them and her worry not just for Feroze, but herself as the caregiver.

Jennifer Dance Bowen and Feroze outside in a selfie under a blue sky.

Friendship and understanding

York Region
February 9, 2021

Three people share their experiences with the Alzheimer Society of York Region young-onset dementia support group, which is now virtual.

Deb Copithorn and her husband Rocky, who lives with young-onset dementia

AS York to be featured on podcast

York Region
December 2, 2020

Marianna and Stacey Speranza created a podcast The Business Casual to help young women find mentors and showcase female trailblazers. AS York's Andrea Ubell will be on the podcast Dec. 4. Stacey and Marianna are also raising money for AS York during the holiday season.

Picture of Stacey and Marianna Speranza, founders of The Business Casual, in a covered room with plants in the backgroun

New business donates proceeds to AS York

York Region
November 12, 2020

Antonella Morale Giles and her sister sister Belinda Morale Smith founded Rose & Flair Lifestyle. A portion of their yearly sales will be donated to AS York.

Portrait of the Morale family.

Family first - Sandy and Bruce's story

York Region
October 28, 2020

Holiday Giving Campaign - Sandy Howie reached out to the Alzheimer Society of York Region for support and services after her dad, Bruce, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Her dad calls his diagnosis the "biggest challenge of his life". Sandy said she is grateful for AS York's support.

Picture of Bruce Howie in cowboy hat with coffee cup standing in front of a building holding onto a cane.

Fundraiser will see family get tattoos

York Region
October 27, 2020

Theresa Laird, her mom Lori and her brother Steven will each get one of Theresa's dad Randy's favourite one-liners tattooed on them if they reach various fundraising goals.

Photo of Theresa and Steven with their dad Randy, who lives with dementia

Selena Costabile hosts golf tourney

York Region
October 2, 2020

Pro golfer Selena Costabile hosts a golf tournament in honour of her grandmother who lives with dementia and in support of programs and services including the DAY program and music offered by the Alzheimer Society of York Region.

Gioulizar Smoian, who lives with dementia, standing with her walker and her granddaughter Selena Costabile hugging on a sidewalk

Prof. June Andrews at Forget-Me-Not Breakfast

York Region
October 1, 2020

Prof. June Andrews, who teaches dementia studies internationally, is the guest speaker at the annual Forget-Me-Not Breakfast, taking place virtually on Nov. 7. She will speak for an hour, followed by a question and answer period. Her topic is Caring for People Living with Dementia in a time of COVID-19.

Prof. June Andrews sitting at her desk with a red reading lamp, a gold mirror and a laptop

Register now - Digital Literacy Club

York Region
September 28, 2020

The goal of the Digital Literacy Club is to help caregivers be comfortable and confident around technology. This story was published in on Sept. 25, 2020.

Image of Chris Bint, CEO and chief learning officer for Tech coaches, in front of a sign of the open road.

Jake is racing to win and raise funds

York Region
September 25, 2020

Every time Jake Cowden reaches the podium in his go-kart races this September, his family will donate $100 to AS York. Jake's grandmother lives with dementia and funds raised will go to programs and services to help caregivers.

Jake Cowden holding a giant Alzheimer Society of York Region cheque after his recent go-kart win