Nova Scotia 112-2719 Gladstone Street Gladstone Ridge Professional Centre (building is setback from street, front entrance at back of parking lot) Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 4W6
What is dementia?The term "dementia" doesn't actually refer to one, specific disease. Rather, it's an overall term for a set of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain.
Dementia numbers in CanadaThe Alzheimer Society is committed to providing accurate and reliable data on dementia in Canada. Statistics listed on this page are the most current available and are updated periodically when new reports and studies are issued.
What is Alzheimer's disease?Alzheimer's disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that destroys brain cells, causing thinking ability and memory to deteriorate over time. Alzheimer's disease is not a normal part of aging, and is irreversible.
The history behind Alzheimer's diseaseWhile Alzheimer's has always been with us, attempts to understand and identify the disease and its impact didn't come about until very recently in human history.
How Alzheimer's disease changes the brainAlzheimer's disease can change the brain in many different ways, On this page, read about some of the changes you may expect as the disease progresses.
The stages of Alzheimer's diseaseAlzheimer's disease is usually described in terms of stages, indicating the severity of the symptoms. Learn about the stages on this page, from early stage to end of life.
Genetic testing and Alzheimer's diseaseGenetic testing can sometimes help identify whether a person has a high or low chance of developing Alzheimer's disease. On this page, find out more about genetic testing for Alzheimer's and whether it applies to you.
Other types of dementiaWhile Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, there are other types as well. Learn about them here.
LATE-NCLimbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy (or LATE-NC) is the most recently identified form of dementia, noted for its close similarity to Alzheimer’s.
Dementia with Lewy bodiesDementia with Lewy bodies – caused by abnormal 'Lewy bodies' deposits of protein called alpha-synuclein inside of the brain's nerve cells – shares many similarities with Parkinson’s disease.
Frontotemporal dementiaFrontotemporal dementia is an umbrella term for a group of rare disorders that primarily affect the areas of the brain associated with personality and behaviour.
Mixed dementiaIt's possible for someone to have more than one type of dementia. When this happens, it's known as mixed dementia.
Vascular dementiaThe most common type of dementia after Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia occurs when the brain’s blood supply is blocked or damaged, causing brain cells to be deprived of oxygen and die.
Young-onset dementiaWhen symptoms of dementia start before the age of 65, we use the term "young onset dementia."
Rare types of dementiaThere are many conditions that, in rare cases, can lead to dementia. Learn about them in this section.
Do I have dementia?If you're unsure whether you have dementia, this section will help you. Get answers to common questions. Recognize what's a warning sign and what's part of normal aging. Know when it may be time to seek a diagnosis.
The 10 warning signs of dementiaWhether you’re concerned for yourself or someone you care about, it's important to know the warning signs of dementia so you can ensure an early diagnosis. Here are 10 of the most common warning signs for dementia.
How to get tested for dementiaIf you or someone you know is concerned about having dementia, it’s important that you can identify the warning signs, know when to talk to your doctor and understand how dementia is diagnosed. Follow these steps.
How can I prevent dementia?The most effective way to prevent Alzheimer's disease and other dementias is to minimize the risk factors and make healthy lifestyle choices that benefit both your body and brain.
How can I treat dementia?There are currently no treatments that can reverse cognitive decline brought on by dementia. However, there are approaches you can take that can help you fight symptoms and maintain your quality of life for as long as possible.
Medications approved to treat Alzheimer's diseaseThere are no treatments today that can cure Alzheimer’s disease. However, there are currently four medications, approved by Health Canada, that can treat symptoms of the disease. Learn about them on this page.
Alternative treatments for dementiaThere are other ways to treat dementia that don't involve taking medications. However, it's important to know which alternative treatments have the evidence that proves that they are effective.
Potential treatments for dementiaLearn about the rigorous process to get a potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease or another type of dementia approved and available for the public.
Cannabis and the treatment of dementiaWhile there is ongoing promising research on the effects of cannabis, there is currently no evidence that cannabis is useful for the treatment or prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.
The risk of using antipsychotic medications to treat dementiaThe Alzheimer Society recommends that antipsychotics only be used as a last resort to treat behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, especially in older adults. Instead, person-centred care is recommended as a first measure.
Stigma against dementiaStigma is one of the biggest barriers for people living with dementia to live fully with dignity and respect. Help us fight stigma by learning more about its effects and taking steps to reduce its impact.
How Canadians perceive dementiaMany Canadians acknowledge that people living with dementia regularly experience many forms of stigma. But there is still more work to be done to reduce stigma. Understand the results from our most recent Awareness Survey.
Myths and realities of dementiaMyths and misconceptions about Alzheimer's disease and dementia abound – what it is, who gets it, and how it affects the people who have it. These myths stand in the way of understanding the disease and helping those affected.
What does stigma against dementia look like?Stigma not only hurts people living with dementia, it discourages their families from confiding in others or getting the support they need. On this page, learn how to recognize stigma against dementia.
About dementiaIn this section, learn more about dementia, including its most common type (Alzheimer's disease), other types of dementia and evidence-based recommendations on preventing and treating the disease.
Your Society:Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia 112-2719 Gladstone Street Gladstone Ridge Professional Centre (building is setback from street, front entrance at back of parking lot) Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 4W6
I'm living with dementiaOur mission is to support you. The Alzheimer Society can provide you with the information and resources to help you manage your diagnosis, assert your rights, live well with dementia, plan for your future and more.
First steps after diagnosisYou've likely been worried and anxious about the changes you're seeing in yourself. Now that you've been diagnosed, know that there are education and resources to support you. Learn the first steps to living well with dementia.
Talking about your diagnosisIf you've just been diagnosed with dementia, you may need some time before sharing the news – or you may want to talk about it right away. However your approach, this page can help you with strategies for communication.
Managing the changes in your abilitiesDementia impacts your cognitive, emotional, physical and social abilities. Understand how these changes can affect you, and know how you can prepare and adjust accordingly to live well with dementia.
Living well with dementiaA diagnosis of dementia does not mean your life is over. This section provides you with strategies to live well with dementia, along with tips and advice from other people who are living with dementia.
Planning for your futureAs your dementia progresses, it can become difficult to make choices about your care, finances and other important decisions. However, there are a number of things you can do now to ensure your wishes are communicated, heard and respected.
Programs and servicesWe are here to provide the information, support and education about dementia you are looking for and to help you find programs and services to meet your needs.
Dementia HelplineAn opportunity to talk with someone who understands the dementia journey can provide vital support. Learn more about our Alzheimer InfoLine program.
U-First! for Care PartnersA program for care partners to develop effective strategies to reduce responsive behaviours.
Caregiver Support GroupsThe Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia offers a network of Caregiver Support Groups.
Dementia Education in Nova ScotiaCheck out our educational opportunities for families, healthcare professionals and the general public.
Shaping the JourneyShaping the Journey™ is a program designed for people with a recent diagnosis of early- stage dementia, and a care partner, family member, or friend.
Artful AfternoonThe Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia and The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia work together to provide a fun and creative program for people with dementia and their partner in care to connect with art.
Dementia resources in Nova ScotiaThe Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia provides lots of resources for people with dementia, family members, caregivers, and health-care professionals.
I'm caring for a person living with dementiaUnderstanding dementia and its progression is vital to ensure that both you and the person with dementia can live as well as possible. We have the resources to support you and your care of the person living with dementia.
Looking after yourselfProviding care for someone living with dementia takes a tremendous toll on the physical and emotional health of the primary caregiver, yet many caregivers often don't recognize the warning signs, or deny its effects on their health.
Understanding symptomsDementia can affect the personality and behaviour of the person living with the disease. Learn more about understanding and responding to these changes associated with dementia.
Providing day-to-day careYou want to make every day the best day possible. Caring for someone with dementia can be a great reward but it can be challenging at times. Prepare yourself with these tips.
Ensuring safety and securityDementia can affect a person’s physical abilities and mental acuity. Learn more about protecting yourself or a family member who has dementia.
Long distance caregivingToday, family members often live at some distance from each other. When a relative needs increasing support, caring from a distance presents additional and special problems.
Long-term careWhen a person living with dementia needs full time support, moving to a long-term care home may be the next step for you and your family.
End-of-life careThe needs of people with dementia at the end of life are unique and require special considerations. This section can help you prepare for end of life, make some of the difficult decisions you may face, and cope with the grief and loss you might experience
First steps for families after diagnosisKnowing the following tips may help make life easier and more enjoyable for you and the person living with dementia as well as to prepare for the future.
Communicating with people living with dementiaUnderstand how dementia affects communication, and learn some useful strategies to help communication throughout the progression of the disease.
Ways to helpFriends, neighbours and extended family are important sources of support for the family. Perhaps you want to help but don't know where to begin. This page will give you some ideas of how you can offer practical help and show that you care.
Managing ambiguous loss and griefThe issue of loss and grief is one of the most significant issues when supporting people living with dementia and their caregivers. Losses and grieving occur in different ways at all stages in the dementia caregiving journey.
Making meaningful visitsWhether you are visiting someone with dementia every day or just once in a while, making the most of your time together will mean a more meaningful visit for both of you!
Holidays and special occasionsFor some of us, holidays or other special life events can be stressful, particularly if you are a caregiver or a person living with dementia. Unfamiliar places, large groups of people, noise and a hectic pace can create a lot of anxiety.
I'm a healthcare providerLearn more about dementia and how you can ensure quality person-centred care for people living with the disease.
Making a referral in Nova ScotiaFirst Link® provides confidential, timely support and education, helping families prepare for the challenges ahead and avert crises.
Providing person-centred careFostering a person-centred approach to care will improve the quality of care for people with dementia and their families.
Diagnosis and screeningTools for healthcare professionals to support dementia screening, assessment, and early diagnosis.
Making a referral with First Link®Find out how you can use First Link® to refer a person newly diagnosed with dementia to their local Alzheimer Society, connecting them to help and support in their community.
Dementia resourcesLooking for more information on dementia? Get brochures, videos, our recommendations for assistive products and more.
National resource libraryBrowse our resource library to learn more about dementia. We cover a wide range of topics and audiences.
Information in other languagesThe Alzheimer Society of Canada presents all its information in English and French. The links here provide information about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias in other languages.
Shopping for assistive productsAssistive devices can help individuals perform a task that they might otherwise be unable to do, or simply make the task easier and safer to perform.
Video resourcesThese videos can help you understand more about dementia, know what to expect and how to provide dementia care.
Help and SupportWhether you want to learn more about the programs and services we offer, or find dementia-related information specific to your needs, the Alzheimer Society has the education and resources to help you.
Your Society:Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia 112-2719 Gladstone Street Gladstone Ridge Professional Centre (building is setback from street, front entrance at back of parking lot) Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 4W6
AdvocacyLearn more about advocacy at the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia.
Advisory Committees of People with Lived Experience“Nothing about us without us”, a powerful idea embraced by dementia related organizations worldwide, guides our work at the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia. Our commitment to this philosophy includes amplifying your voices on issues that matter to you.
DonateBy making a donation you are supporting the approximately 17,000 families in Nova Scotia who face Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, daily.
Gift of SecuritiesMake life better for those living with dementia while taking advantage of tax benefits.
Plan a LegacySimply put, planned giving enables you to plan meaningful gifts to the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia that reflect your beliefs and values.
Donate a CarHave a car you no longer need? Support the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia by donating it today.
HealthPartnersSupport the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia through a workplace giving campaign.
Fundraise and participateYour participation in our special events makes a significant difference for those living with the disease through Alzheimer programs and services in your local community.
The IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer'sThe IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's is an opportunity for people to remember and celebrate people in their lives who have been affected by dementia while raising funds to support people living with the disease today.
Coffee Break®Join us any time of the year to host a Coffee Break®. Your morning java will help make a difference in the lives of countless Nova Scotians!
Host Your Own FundraiserFrom a gala to a lemonade stand, the opportunities are only limited to your imagination!
VolunteerVolunteers are the lifeblood of the Alzheimer Society. Whether you have just a bit of time or want to volunteer on a regular basis, there are a number of ways you can help.
Become dementia-friendlyBy understanding the everyday experiences of people living with dementia, you can better accommodate their needs and help them live well. Becoming dementia-friendly will make a direct impact on the people living with dementia in your community.
Dementia-Friendly CanadaBy the end of the decade, almost one million Canadians will live with dementia. The impact of dementia is and will continue to be felt across all borders, sectors and cultures. We must act and build a dementia-friendly Canada now.
Meaningful engagement of people living with dementiaMeaningful engagement is a person-centred approach that encourages and invites people living with dementia to participate in an organization's work with purpose and interest. By practicing meaningful engagement, you can benefit from people living with dem
Using person-centred languageThe Alzheimer Society has developed language guidelines for anyone who lives with, supports, or works with a person living with dementia or caregiver. These guidelines can help you promote consistent, respectful language around dementia.
Change mindsLearn how you can help us raise awareness and fight stigma against dementia in Canada.
Alzheimer's Awareness MonthJanuary is Alzheimer's Awareness Month in Canada. Learn what that means and how you can get involved.
Canada's national dementia strategyLearn more about Canada's first ever-national dementia strategy and the importance of having it fully funded.
The Canadian Charter of Rights for People with DementiaAs a person living with dementia, the Charter can help you assert your rights to live free of stigma, benefit from all of Canada's civic and legal rights, participate in policies that affect you and more.
Dementia Journey SurveyThe Alzheimer Society of Canada, in partnership with the College of Family Physicians of Canada, is asking you to participate in this 20-minute survey to help us understand your experience with the care you receive from your family physician.
Take actionYou can get involved in lots of ways, including volunteering, fundraising, advocating and donating.
Your Society:Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia 112-2719 Gladstone Street Gladstone Ridge Professional Centre (building is setback from street, front entrance at back of parking lot) Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 4W6
Research in Nova ScotiaIn Nova Scotia, we celebrate, support and promote local research through established partnerships, reviewing research opportunities and making recommendations for future research activities.
Information for ResearchersThe Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia (ASNS) is committed to the goal of supporting research, from the discovery of new information to the utilization of that information in a variety of beneficial ways.
Maritime Brain Tissue BankThe Brain Tissue Bank was established to collect brain tissues and to make them available for researchers who are trying to better understand the causes of dementia.
Research Award RecipientsThe ASRP supports young and established investigators who are leading promising biomedical and quality-of-life research to find the causes and a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and improve current treatments.
The Alzheimer Society Research ProgramOn this page, learn more about the Alzheimer Society Research Program, including funding opportunities for researchers, when applications open and highlights from previous ASRP funded research.
Latest funding resultsWe're pleased to announce the following 2020 grants and awards for the Alzheimer Society Research Program, funding Canadian researchers in the field of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, in the following areas of research.
Funding results historySee the past ASRP-funded projects that advanced dementia research in Canada, sorted by year.
Information for researchersAre you a researcher currently funded by the Alzheimer Society Research Program, or interested in applying? Get all the information and resources you need in this section.
Apply to the Alzheimer Society Research ProgramInterested in applying to the latest ASRP Research Competition? On this page, learn what to know before applying, when to apply and get answers to frequently asked questions about submissions, awards and grants.
How ASRP funding gets determinedIn 2020, the Alzheimer Society Research Program received over 200 applications. Understand the process that determines which research projects among the final applicants receive funding.
Find participants for your studyThrough the Alzheimer Society Research Portal, you can get connected to people living in Canada who want to do their part in advancing dementia research – and want to participate in a study like yours!
ResearchResearch moves us forward. Your support will get us closer to life-altering treatments, better care and cures for Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
Your Society:Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia 112-2719 Gladstone Street Gladstone Ridge Professional Centre (building is setback from street, front entrance at back of parking lot) Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 4W6
What's happeningGet the latest news about dementia, read the stories of people with lived experience and find out about events happening across Canada and near you.
Your Society:Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia 112-2719 Gladstone Street Gladstone Ridge Professional Centre (building is setback from street, front entrance at back of parking lot) Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 4W6
About usWe are a leading not-for-profit health charity working to improve the quality of life for Nova Scotians affected by Alzheimer's disease, other dementias and advance the search for the cause and cure.
Your Society:Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia 112-2719 Gladstone Street Gladstone Ridge Professional Centre (building is setback from street, front entrance at back of parking lot) Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 4W6