AlzEd: Hearing Loss & Reducing the Risk of Dementia
Hearing is identified as a key modifiable risk factor for dementia. This presentation will summarize recent findings on modifiable risk factors for dementia and the importance of maintaining good hearing health.

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Join us Tuesday, November 15 for our next AlzEducate. Recent publications from the Alzheimer Society of Canada and the medical journal The Lancet have provided recommendations for risk reduction of dementia. Hearing loss was identified as a key modifiable risk factor for dementia. This presentation will summarize the recent findings on modifiable risk factors for dementia and the importance of maintaining good hearing health.
Dekota Clayton is an Audiologist and co-owner of Hear Right Canada Nova Scotia Inc. He earned his Master of Science in Audiology from Dalhousie University. Dekota is a very passionate clinician who strives to do his best and will go above and beyond to ensure his clients are living their best quality of life. Dekota holds his full license in audiology with the Nova Scotia College of Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists. Born and raised in Halifax, Dekota is very proud to be practicing at home where he can give back to his community.
Date and Time:
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. AST