Advocacy in Action
Nova Scotians will be heading to the polls to vote in municipal elections on October 19, 2024. You can help make candidates aware of the need to make your community Dementia Friendly.

What is a Dementia Friendly Community?
Dementia Friendly communities support, respect and include people living with dementia and their partners in care in the places they live, work and play. It’s a community that enables contribution, opportunity and choice.
Why is Becoming Dementia Friendly Important?
Municipal governments are primarily responsible for decision-making around vital services and infrastructure such as public transit, parks, recreation, cultural programs, libraries, community planning and emergency services. When municipalities consider people living with dementia and their care partners in polices that affect their everyday lives, it ensures people can age in place and remain engaged members of their communities.
Did you know?
Dementia Friendly principles, both social and physical, make spaces more inclusive, supportive and accessible for everybody! Municipalities can lead the way for businesses and organizations to recognize, respect and respond to the needs of people affected by dementia.
Most importantly, candidates want to hear from their constituents so let them know why a Dementia Friendly Community is important to you. Call your candidates, or write them a letter using this letter template. Already see signs of Dementia Friendly initiatives? Be sure to point out the positive examples and the difference they make.
3 Questions to Ask Your Candidates:
- If elected, will you support the inclusion of Dementia Friendly principles in the development of your community’s accessibility plan?
- Given the increased frequency of powerful storms in the province, will you support dementia education for First Responders to help keep people living with dementia safe in our community?
- When designing policies, programs and services, will you consult a range of voices of people with lived experience who may be affected?
Voter Information
Not sure who your candidates are or how to reach them? Check your municipality’s website for information on candidates, polling stations, and advance polls.
Vote on October 19 to have your voice heard on matters that affect your community!