Championing Change in Dementia Care- Call for Conference Presentations

Championing Change in Dementia Care
Call for Presentation Proposals - 29th Provincial Conference

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
– Wayne Dyer
This conference is an opportunity to engage, foster and champion positive attitudes and practices with other health care providers from across the province and beyond. We are looking for evidence-informed presentations that offer fresh perspectives along with practical tips, strategies, and tools that enhance care and support. Our goal is for attendees to leave motivated to better support people living with dementia.
Do you or your team have a case study, workshop, or presentation that:
- Helps us to better understand the lived experience of dementia?
- Promotes independence, freedom and/or autonomy?
- Demonstrates an innovative approach to support for people living with dementia or their families?
Send your submission that includes the presentation title; names, credentials, and affiliations of presenter(s); and an abstract (300 words or less) that outlines the key objectives of your presentation and the length of the presentation (15, 30 or 60 minutes); to:
[email protected]; or mail to Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia- Conference 2018
112-2719 Gladstone Street, Halifax, NS B3K 4W6; or fax to 902-422-7971; questions 902-422-7961.
The Conference Planning Committee reviews proposals and selection will be based on relevance to the theme and target audience. Deadline for Submissions: Wednesday May 2, 2018.
Linda Bird,
Director of Programs and Services
Do you have an engaging and impactful 15, 30 or 60 minute presentation that champions change in dementia care? We invite you to submit a proposal for our 2018 fall conference being held October 22-23, 2018, in Halifax, NS. The theme of the conference is “Championing Change in Dementia Care”.