FUNdraising Tips: Bringing Pokemon Go to the office
Bethany Sampson is a Volunteer Coordinator at the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia,

If you haven’t noticed the abundance of people out and about on their phones lately—well, you’ve probably been too busy looking at your ownphone. The a-poké-lypse is upon us, and, believe it or not, Pokémon Go can be used as a fundraising and team-building tool in your own office.
Instead of having co-workers participate in Casual Friday, why not inaugurate Pokémon Go Fridays? Staff members can pay a designated amount and earn an allotted amount of “playing” time. For example, charge staff $5 for 30 minutes of Pokémon Go time. Be sure to inform employees to which charity the money will be going (i.e. the Alzheimer Society), so if they aren’t already Pokémon Go-ers they’ll be more inclined to want to participate.
If you’ve got some competitors in your office, why not get even morecharitable? For every Pokémon caught, employees can donate one dollar, or bring in a food bank item. By the end of the month, which department has the largest charitable contribution?
Pokémon Go is a social game, allowing for interaction and positive team-building between co-workers. If an employee’s phone isn’t compatible—or if they’ve already exceeded their monthly data limit—why not partner up with someone else and hunt Pokémon together? Encourage your individual players to join the same team, so they can work together in gym battles.
Not only will a 30-minute Pokémon hunt break up the day, but it allows employees to relieve stress through exercise, socializing and having fun. When staff members return to the office, they’ll be refreshed, enthused and ready to dive back into that last stack of work before the weekend.
Have a great weekend, and go catch em’ all!
If you’d like to hold a third-party fundraiser, contact Dawn Kehoe at or by telephone at (902) 422-7961 ext. 258.