Giving Campaigns at Your Work
Sarah Lyons is the Director of Philanthropy of the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia.

The fall brings about more than just the changing leaves; for many in the workplace it is the time to start thinking about payroll deductions for your charity of choice.
Although you may not see the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia in the campaigns, you can still choose to directly donate off of your pay cheque, to help fellow Nova Scotians living the dementia journey. The funds donated and raised in our province, stay in Nova Scotia to help with programming, support and a variety of services. You can watch videos on where donations go, on our YouTube channel.
If your company participates in a United Way campaign, here is how you can donate:
- Write in the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia
- Provide the following charitable number: 10670 5379 RR0001
If your company participates in a HealthPartners campaign, you can choose the Alzheimer Society directly.
There are many other ways that your company might do workplace giving; maybe they let you choose a charity without a workplace campaign. Or maybe they are a company that matches your donation!
If your workplace does not do payroll deductions, but you would like to become a monthly donor, please call Sarah Lyon, Director of Philanthropy at 902-422-7961 extension 227!
We thank you for thinking about making a payroll deduction to support those living with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. If you need to talk to someone about the disease please call our InfoLine at 1-800-611-6345.