'Tis the Season to be Nice

There is so much to do over the holiday season; trim the tree, wrap presents, cook, bake, and amongst all that, find time to be in the moment, with family and friends. It all seems to come at us at once. It can be overwhelming.
For people living with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia, every day with tasks and decisions to be made, can be overwhelming. This season we are asking you to put another thing on your list of things to do: support someone with dementia.
Anne, is one of the approximately 17,000 Nova Scotians living with dementia. Making decisions like what to wear, where to eat, what to eat, is hard for her. Through her connection with the Programs and Services team at the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia and through a network of friends, Anne has found strategies to help.
“If I know that I will be going out tomorrow, I will pick an outfit tonight out of my closet, and then close the doors,” says Anne. “Otherwise, tomorrow I will stand in my room, unable to make a choice.” Strategies that help people with dementia have a better day to day. It’s a support the Society can give, because of donors.
For Anne, another support she raves about, is her group of six close friends. These friends share schedules, are patient and help Anne with anything she needs. They have learned along with Anne, about dementia and in doing so have been able to support her in a variety of ways.
“If they ask if I would like to go out to lunch, they know to say look in your book, you like Swiss Chalet, let’s go there,” says Anne. “They know that too many choices with my mixed dementia, can make decision making too hard.”
Anne's book of lists
We either all know someone with dementia, or may come into contact with someone living with the disease. By learning about dementia and being prepared to be patient and kind, you can be supporting Nova Scotians this holiday season.
Please consider donating to support Nova Scotians like Anne, who rely on the education, information and services we provide, by donating here:
Please consider becoming a Dementia Friend by clicking here.
For more information on supporting someone with the disease this holiday season, please click here to read a document from the Alzheimer Society of British Columbia.
Happy Holidays!