The Walk for Alzheimer's: Rain or Shine

The Walk for Alzheimer’s event is a little like a wedding. I mean that in the way it is planned and thought out and prepared for.
You see, we start planning Walk for Alzheimer’s the day after a Walk for Alzheimer’s happens.
It’s true! This year on Monday, May 8, the Society will call locations and book the date for 2018. Over the next 12 months musicians and photographers will be booked, “invites” will be printed, websites created.
Then there is decorations, food, clothing to all prepare and book as well.
And just like if there was rain on a wedding day, we will still gather together as family and friends, to hold the Walk for Alzheimer’s.
You see, the walk down the aisle, or in our case, the street, is just one part of the reason we all attended the Walk. We will all gather to be with each other. To take photos, to chat, to honour those we are there for.
So if it rains on Sunday, please know that we can’t change the date we asked you to save – but we can all still come together (Halifax at Cunard Centre, Truro & Wolfville at the Farmers' Markets, and Sydney at Centre 200), so that people with dementia, partners in care, family, friends and community supports, know that they are not alone on the dementia journey. We are there for them on sunny and rainy days.
(We look forward to seeing you on Sunday at the indoor venues. We are hoping for sun so we can still walk outside).