Coffee Break®
Join us any time of the year to host a Coffee Break®. Your morning java will help make a difference in the lives of countless Nova Scotians!

For more information or to receive your complimentary Coffee Break® kit, please contact us toll free at 1-800-611-6345 or email [email protected].
Coffee Break®
Make your cup of coffee count – host a Coffee Break® today!
Join us any time of the year to host a Coffee Break®. Your morning java will help make a difference in the lives of countless Nova Scotians!
What is a Coffee Break®?
Coffee Break® is the Alzheimer Society’s nationwide annual fundraiser where friends, co-workers and customers gather in communities across Canada to raise funds for local Alzheimer Societies. Participants at these events make a donation in exchange for a cup of coffee.
Where does an Alzheimer Coffee Break® take place?
Large corporations, small businesses, hospitals, schools, service organizations, health-care facilities and private residences are just a few examples of ideal places to host coffee breaks. You can organize an event -- large or small in your community, workplace or home.
When does it take place?
Coffee Break hosts can host a Coffee Break at any time during the year, although the launch is held during September. Many Coffee Break hosts choose to host their event on World Alzheimer's Day, September 21.
How do I host a Coffee Break®?
It's easy! You can hold a break in your office, at home, at your church, in a local mall or anywhere you can set up a stand and serve coffee or give out forget-me-not cut-outs in exchange for a donation. You can also offer tea and juice, add cookies or pastries to increase the donations, or use the forget-me-not cut-outs for supporters to write their name on in recognition for their donation.
Why should you host an Alzheimer Coffee Break®?
When you host a Coffee Break, you are helping make a positive impact in the lives of people with Alzheimer's disease or another dementia.
“I wonder what will happen as my memories are taken from me by this disease. Who will I become? What happens with my idea of the person I was, my old identity? What happens when I don’t remember my old self?”
“I feel very good about the connections I have made with the Alzheimer Society. I know I am not alone and that when I need help, I can just call and someone will listen. Someone who understands what I am going through.”
– Sandra, living with Alzheimer’s disease