(French) Premier lienMD série d'apprentissage

Join the First Link® learning series to stay connected and up to date with the programs and services offered in Kenora/Rainy River Districts.

Alzheimer Society of Kenora/Rainy River Districts wordmark and identifier.

Learning series

To sign up for the Learning Series please contact:

Alzheimer Society Kenora/Rainy River Districts
Address: 9th Street North, Unit 618, Kenora, ON, P9N 2S9

Telephone: 1 (807) 468 - 1516

Toll-Free: 1-800-682-0245

E-mail: info@alzheimerkrr.com

Fort Frances Learning Series

Dates: Wednesday, October 11, 18, 25 and November 1, 2017
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00 pm

Kenora Learning Series

Dates: Thursday, October 19, 26, November 2 and 9, 2017
Location: Alzheimer Society Office