Education workshops

Education workshops are small group information workshops, facilitated to provide opportunities for live discussion. For those looking to learn about dementia and connect with others.


COVID-19 update: Masks are now optional. To learn more about safety protocols for our in-person events, visit:

Dementia education workshops 

We offer workshops on a wide range of dementia-related topics, from responding to a diagnosis, though how to live well with dementia and the impact of dementia on communication, on various behaviours, on driving and on future planning. We have topics geared toward care partners of those who are living with dementia from how best to advocate on someone else’s behalf, to supporting someone at a distance and exploring how to maintain caregivers’ resilience. We also offer sessions for those who just want to learn more about brain health, and sessions designed to empower you to help make your community more dementia-friendly 

Additionally, we have two multi-session series:

  • Family caregiver series is a dementia education series for people caring for someone living with dementia and 
  • Shaping the journey provides an opportunity for people in the early stages of dementia and their care partner to learn about living with dementia.

See ourFirst Link® Bulletin for a list of upcoming dementia education and support programs in your community. 

For more information:

If you have additional questions about our online education sessions and whether they're suitable for your needs, call or email the First Link® Dementia Helpline at 1-800-936-6033 or email 

Online education

We offer online education workshops, accessed from the comfort of your home.  Many different topics and a range of days and times of day, including evenings, are available.   

Click here to see a schedule of upcoming online education workshops

How to register:

To register, you can choose one of the following:

Just prior the event date, you will receive a reminder email including information on how to join the workshop. If you are no longer able to attend, please see the confirmation email to cancel your registration.

All sessions are hosted in ZOOM. For the best experience, please download the Zoom app in advance of your meeting. Instructions on how to download the app and connect to the meeting can be found here

Can’t make it to a live workshop? For information about our online campus of e-Learning courses for care partners, click here.