「關愛腦友記」電視籌款日 | Telethon for Alzheimer's

Learn more about the Telethon for Alzheimer’s to be co-produced by Fairchild Television and the Alzheimer Society of B.C. to raise funds and awareness to support people affected by dementia in the Chinese community.

2024 telethon for alzheimers


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卑詩省阿茲海默症協會與新時代電視攜手合作舉辦的第五屆「關愛腦友記」電視電台籌款日,將於 2024 年 10 月 20 日,在新時代電視1台播出,為協會籌募經費及提高華人社區對腦退化的關注和認識。

在卑詩省,有超過 85,000 人患有腦退化,而在未來30年,腦退化患者的數目將會激增至 245,000 人。同時,華人社區對腦退化患者仍然有負面標籤,所以我們希望透過此節目提高大眾對腦退化的認識,一起齊心建立腦退化友善社區,讓患者和家人在社區感到被接納、認同,不會受到歧視,繼續過着正常的生活。

我們將在溫哥華中文電台 AM1470「大眾論壇」中,播放一小時有關腦退化的特輯,邀請嘉賓為聽眾分享腦退化及健腦知識;10 月 20 日晚上8時半將在新時代電視一台舉行了「關愛腦友記」電視籌款夜。

2023 telethon emcee interview with dr roger wong
2023 telethon emcee interview with cochairs



其他查詢或捐款,請致電 604-742-4923。


The Alzheimer Society of B.C. will partner with Fairchild Television to co-produce the 5th annual Telethon for Alzheimer’s on Sunday, October 20, 2024, aiming to raise funds for the Alzheimer Society of B.C. and increase awareness and understanding of dementia within the Chinese community.

2023 telethon emcee interview with dr robin hsiung

In B.C., there are over 85,000 people living with dementia. In the next 30 years, the number of people living with the disease will increase dramatically to more than 245,000 people. Meanwhile, stigma associated with dementia still exists in the Chinese community. Through this program we hoped to raise awareness to help build a dementia-friendly community, where people living with the disease and their families are welcomed, supported and included, enabling them to maintain the best quality of life possible. 

We will invite guests to share knowledge about dementia and brain health tips during “Public Forum” on Fairchild Radio AM1470. The Telethon for Alzheimer’s will be broadcast on Sunday, October 20, at 8:30 p.m. PT on Fairchild TV (FTV1). The program will feature interviews with doctors and Alzheimer Society of B.C. staff, and stories of people living with dementia and their caregivers. The program will be broadcast nationwide.  

We would like to extend our gratitude to “Friends of the Society” – group of anonymous donors for their generous support – the first $50,000 in donations was matched one-to-one, doubling the impact of the donations. 

For other inquiries or to donate by phone, please call 604-742-4923.  

2023 telethon emcee interview with caregiver
