NVW2021: Building critical awareness and resources in the Chinese community


This National Volunteer Week, we are showcasing some of the integral roles volunteers play in our organization. From April 18 – 24, 2021, follow @AlzheimerBC on social media to learn more about these roles and help us recognize our incredible volunteers.

For the past five years, an inspiring group of community members have volunteered their time and engaged their networks to increase understanding of dementia and Alzheimer Society of B.C. support available within B.C.’s Chinese community. The Chinese Advisory Committee, led by Co-Chairs Tony Yue and Vivian Lam, tirelessly raise awareness and funds for culturally-relevant supports for Cantonese and Mandarin speaking caregivers and people living with dementia in the province.

“When we started, only people directly connected to the disease were aware of the Society,” says Tony, a founding member of the committee, which includes current and past board members, leaders from the business community and a former staff member who joined the committee after retiring. “We needed to make a major connection to the community. The more people understand about the disease, the less fear they have.”

These valued Society volunteers recognize that it is the deep relationships they have in the community that are key to their success. When the pandemic forced the cancellation of a planned gala, committee members reached out to media partner Fairchild Television and instead pulled together the first-ever Cantonese language variety show Telethon for Alzheimer’s. Thanks to the generosity of our dedicated donors, the telethon raised over $165,000 for those we serve.

The committee’s list of fundraising achievements is impressive. They have held an annual Charity Dinner for Alzheimer’s (where the menu features delicious dishes that are also brain healthy), hosted a world-class performer for a charity concert and continue to rally passionate volunteers who raise funds and awareness at the Society’s IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s each year.

The remarkable members of the Chinese Advisory Committee, and the many other volunteers who help make community fundraisers like these happen, are true champions for the Society and for the families they have helped connect to dementia education and support.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to committee members Tony Yue, Vivian Lam, Joann Wong Bittle, Maze Fairweather, Annie Fu, Dr. Robin Hsiung, Betty Jaern, Amy Leung, Ping Mah, Susan Ann Tong, Brenda Wong, Alice Wu, Peter Wu, Ada Yip and Catherine Yuen. We are grateful for your expertise, passion and commitment to supporting a community of care for all those affected by dementia.