
今年卑詩省阿茲海默症協會再度與新時代電視攜手合作,於11月13日 (星期六) 在新時代電視1台全國播放第二屆【關愛腦友記】籌款日及進行電視籌款。籌得的善款將用作拓展華人社區的服務並資助研究腦退化症找出原因及治療方法。

telethon for alzheimer's

今年卑詩省阿茲海默症協會再度與新時代電視攜手合作,於11月13日 (星期六) 在新時代電視1台全國播放第二屆【關愛腦友記】籌款日及進行電視籌款。籌得的善款將用作拓展華人社區的服務並資助研究腦退化症找出原因及治療方法。協會亦會透過當晚節目提高大眾對腦退化的認識、了解協會的工作及如何一起建立一個腦退化關愛社區。

當日早上11時首先在加拿大中文電台AM1470「大眾論壇」中,將會有黃耀明醫生討論有關腦退化的直播專訪,然後晚上8時正於新時代電視1台播放【關愛腦友記】電視籌款夜。 除了提供腦退化症的資訊,包括解開一些誤解之外,當晚節目還有卑詩省阿茲海默症協會如何於疫情下支援受腦退化症影響的人士、故事分享、醫生及家屬照顧者訪問、卑詩省阿茲海默症協會的支援服務及教育項目,以及阿茲海默症的研究及進展等等。

卑詩省阿茲海默症協會行政總裁Jen Lyle表示,「在這段時間,我們協會不遺餘力提供與文化相關的支援,包括中文線上關懷小組,因為我們知道這些小組對組員來說不僅可以吸取資訊,而且是一個重要活動讓有相同經歷的人士彼此聯繫。」她深信,「即將播放的【關愛腦友記】電視籌款日及其他相關節目都是相當重要。透過不同籌款活動來籌募經費,使協會能夠繼續提供重要的教育項目和支援服務,同時提高公眾對腦退化症的認識及讓他們知道怎樣尋求幫助。」 Jen亦很感謝華人社區和媒體夥伴,包括新時代集團電視,一直以來對卑詩省阿茲海默症協會的支持。

「關愛老友記」籌款委員會共同主席余子平博士Dr. Tony Yue及Brenda Wong於記者會上特別感謝一班無名氏善長的慷慨支持,由現在到籌款日當天,首六萬五千元的捐款將得到一對一的配對。除此之外,現凡捐款滿$50或以上,可獲贈本地製造全人手縫製限量版【關愛腦友記】收納包一個;捐款滿$100或以上,可獲贈由Copperline Canada 及Muse Marketing Company Ltd.捐出的韓國製Copperline銅線抗菌口罩收納包一個,數量有限,送完即止。同時,感謝以下贊助商支持是次活動:Murrick Group、Lamsons Apartments Ltd.、Susan Tong & Rosalyn Mow Notaries Public、Heffel、Copperline、Muse Marketing 、Sandra Chiu 、Maze Fairweather 、Pacifica Manufacturing Ltd.; 傳媒贊助:新時代電視、城市電視、加拿大中文電台AM1470及FM96.1及明報。

查詢詳情或捐款,請瀏覽 alzbc.org/telethon2021 或致電 Wendy Wong 604-742-4903 或wwong@alzheimerbc.org。


The Alzheimer Society of B.C. presents 2021 Telethon for Alzheimer’s
The Alzheimer Society of B.C. will once again be partnering with Fairchild Television to co-produce the Telethon for Alzheimer’s on November 13 at 8 p.m., which will be broadcast nationwide on Fairchild TV1. The funds raised at this event will help the Alzheimer Society of B.C. provide programs, education and support services to the Chinese community, as well as support research into the causes of dementia and a possible cure. This program will also raise critical awareness about dementia, the supports offered by the Society and how people can all help create communities that are more dementia friendly. 
The event will begin with a discussion about dementia with our guest, Dr. Roger Wong, on Fairchild Radio AM1470’s Public Forum at 11 a.m., followed by the TV program at 8 p.m. on Fairchild TV1. In addition to providing general information about dementia, including debunking dementia myths, the Cantonese-language evening program will feature interviews with community members affected by dementia, Alzheimer Society of B.C. representatives, health-care providers and dementia researchers who will be reflecting on how COVID-19 continues to affect the lived experiences of people affected by dementia, as well as an update on research.

“During the pandemic, we have continued to focus on culturally-relevant supports, including virtual support groups, which we know are so important. Not only are these supports a great source of information - they also enable people to connect with others who are living through similar experiences,” said Jen Lyle, CEO of the Alzheimer Society of B.C. “That's why events like the upcoming Telethon for Alzheimer’s are so important. They help raise funds to enable the Alzheimer Society of B.C. to continue providing crucial programs and services, while also raising awareness so the people living in our communities know where they can go for support.” Jen added, “I would like thank our Chinese community and media partners, including Fairchild TV, for their continuous support of the Alzheimer Society of B.C.”

Fairchild Media Group has been a long-time supporter of the Alzheimer Society of B.C., advocating for and boosting awareness of dementia in the Chinese community. Last year, in the middle of the pandemic, the inaugural Telethon for Alzheimer’s successfully raised an impressive amount. And this year, Fairchild TV is proud to partner with the Alzheimer Society of B.C. again. “You cannot imagine how many of us in the community are affected one way or the other by the Alzheimer’s disease. Thanks for the hard work from the Alzheimer Society, as more resources are available to provide assistance and support for the people living with dementia and their families,” said Vivien Louie, Manager, Promotion and Special Projects at Fairchild Television.

All donations made from now until November 13 will be matched, by a group of generous donors up to a total of $65,000. Donations of $50 or more are entitled to receive a locally handmade, limited edition Telethon for Alzheimer’s pouch, while donations of $100 or more will receive a Copperline antibacterial mask pouch, while supplies last. Special thanks to the following sponsors for supporting the Telethon for Alzheimer’s: Murrick Group, Lamsons Apartments Ltd., Susan Tong & Rosalyn Mow Notaries Public, Heffel, Copperline, Muse Marketing, Sandra Chiu, Maze Fairweather and Pacifica Manufacturing Ltd.; media partners: Fairchild Television, Talentvision, Fairchild Radio AM1470 and FM96.1 and Ming Pao Daily.
For more information or to donate, visit alzbc.org/telethon2021 or call Wendy Wong 604-742-4903 or wwong@alzheimerbc.org.