

2021 telethon alzheimer society of bc

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由卑詩省阿茲海默症協會及新時代傳媒集團攜手合辦的第二屆「關愛腦友記」籌款日已於11月13日新時代電視及加拿大中文電台圓滿舉行,共籌得超過 $172,000。此活動所籌得的善款將用作拓展華人社區各項服務、提供教育、資訊、支援患者及其家人、資助研究工作,並倡導建立一個真正的腦退化友善社區。 

有賴新時代電視幕前幕後的工作人員及整晚負責接聽觀眾認捐電話的一班義工謹守崗位,團結一心,籌款活動得以順利舉行。在加拿大中文電台AM1470「大眾論壇」的直播專訪中,老人科黃耀明醫生跟聽眾一起討論腦退化症及提高大眾對腦退化的認識。而晚上播放的「關愛腦友記」電視籌款夜,除了提供腦退化症的資訊,包括解開一些誤解之外,當晚節目主持張文謙及伍文嘉訪問了受腦退化症影響的人士、協會的代表、専科醫生和腦退化症研究人員,分享新冠肺炎疫情 (COVID-19) 如何繼續影響腦退化症患者的生活及腦退化研究的最新進展。 


卑詩省阿茲海默症協會衷心感謝新時代傳媒集團及各界的鼎力支持,包括傳媒伙伴、贊助商、各位善長及義工。特別感謝一班無名氏善長的慷慨支持,捐出首六萬五千元作一對一的捐款配對,令善款帶來雙倍的效果。由於反應熱烈並得到無名氏善長的同意,配對將延續至11月30日,請到 alzbc.org/telethon2021 進行網上捐款或查詢更多有關此活動的資訊。

想認識更多有關腦退化的資訊及如何幫助腦退化患者,或查詢卑詩省阿茲海默症協會的廣東話或國語支援服務,歡迎致電 First Link® 腦退化中文熱線: 1-833-674-5007,服務時間為星期一至五上午九時至下午四時。


Telethon for Alzheimer’s raises over $172,000

The Alzheimer Society of B.C. and Fairchild Media Group are proud to announce that the Telethon for Alzheimer’s, co-produced by the two organizations and broadcast on November 13, raised over $172,000. Proceeds will help the Alzheimer Society of B.C. provide programs, education and support services specific to the Chinese community, as well as support dementia research.  

The event was held successfully, thanks to the dedicated Fairchild Television staff working hard behind the scenes. The event began with a discussion about dementia with our guest, Dr. Roger Wong, on Fairchild Radio AM1470’s Public Forum, followed by the TV program on Fairchild Television in the evening. In addition to providing general information about dementia, including debunking dementia myths, program hosts Ricky Cheung and Manica Ng interviewed community members affected by dementia, as well as Alzheimer Society of B.C. staff, doctors and dementia researchers who reflected on how COVID-19 continues to affect the lived experience of dementia, as well as the state of research.  

The COVID-19 pandemic is still impacting the community, so the Alzheimer Society of B.C. has continued to support people affected by dementia in different ways during this time, with options for virtual support, as well as plans to resume some in-person programming this fall. No matter how they connect to services, the Alzheimer Society of B.C. wants community members affected by dementia to know they are not alone. We all have a role to play to make sure our communities are dementia friendly: where people affected by dementia are acknowledged, accepted and included.

The Alzheimer Society of B.C would like to thank Fairchild Media Group and other supporters, including media partners, sponsors, donors and volunteers. Special thanks to the anonymous donors who generously matched, dollar for dollar, the first $65,000 donated. To learn more about the event, or to donate, please visit alzbc.org/telethon2021.

For information about dementia and how to support people living with dementia, or to learn more about the Alzheimer Society of B.C.’s Chinese programs and services, please call the Chinese First Link® Dementia Helpline at 1-833-674-5007, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.