「 安康」線上中文健康講座 “掌管您的健康:腦退化症全面睇”


iCON health forum about dementia

請即登記參加「 安康」線上中文健康講座 “掌管您的健康:腦退化症全面睇” ! 



  • 識別認知障礙症/腦退化症 – 及早發現以及何時尋求幫助
  • 與認知障礙症/腦退化症共存 – 營養須知、患者與照顧者的心理健康以及家居安全
  • 哪裏以及如何在社區中尋求幫助 – 本地腦退化症支援服務、治療和處方藥物
  • 長期護理 – 預先計劃護理須知



  • 馬如茵醫生, 家庭醫生
  • 黃耀明醫生,年老科醫生
  • 凌以洋,註冊藥劑師
  • 何建韜醫生,急救科醫生和「安康」健康網絡的執行董事
  • 楊碩昌博士,註冊心理治療師
  • 林嘉兒,職業治療師
  • 汪棗兒,註冊營養師
  • 劉鄧瑞瑩,註冊精神科護士
  • 黃鄭倩兒,註冊精神科護士


欲知講座詳情:https://bit.ly/3Dxss3N (繁體中文)


Join iCON for the 2021 virtual Chinese Health Forum: “Take Charge of Your Health: Dementia 360”. This FREE online, interactive forum will take place on Saturday, December 11 and Sunday, December 12, 2021 (2:00 – 4:00 PT).

Delivered in Cantonese, Mandarin and English, this forum is designed to help patients, their families and caregivers optimize their quality of life by empowering them with knowledge and resources to manage dementia. Through a series of presentations and discussions, health experts from the community will educate and engage with the audience on health topics including: 

  • Recognizing Dementia - early detection and when to seek help
  • Living with Dementia – nutrition and mental health, home safety
  • Where and how to find help in the community - navigation of health services, treatments and medications
  • Long Term Care - advanced care planning

Participants can attend the virtual health exhibition to learn more about the support programs and resources provided by local health and community organizations. 

Expert Speakers:  

  • Dr. Charmaine Ma, Family Physician
  • Dr. Roger Wong, Geriatrician
  • Kent Ling, Pharmacist
  • Dr. Kendall Ho, Emergency Physician, Lead of UBC Digital Emergency Medicine Unit 
  • Dr. Tigerson Young, Registered Psychologist
  • Wendy Lam, Occupational Therapist
  • Jo Jo Wang, Registered Dietitian 
  • Winnie Lau, Registered Psychiatric Nurse
  • Miranda Wong, Registered Psychiatric Nurse

Forum registration link:https://bit.ly/3EdzhYt

For more details:https://bit.ly/3m5QtZD (English)