Make a gift in your will
A gift in your will is an amazing way to leave your legacy with the Alzheimer Society of B.C. It is an investment into the future that ensures our services will be available for years to come.

Ways to leave a lasting legacy
There are different ways to set aside a portion of your assets to benefit both you and the Society. Each method can be individually designed to meet your financial and personal needs. Some methods provide a tax receipt immediately, while others provide future benefits to your estate.Your lasting legacy can take many forms:
Bequests: Make a gift to the Society through your will.
Life insurance: Use an unneeded policy or create a new policy to make a donation.
Charitable gift annuities: A charitable gift annuity allows you to make a gift today while guaranteeing you a fixed income for life.
Publicly-traded securities: Donate appreciated stocks, bonds, mutual funds or stock options and take advantage of the greatest tax benefits.
Registered investments: You can easily designate all or some of these funds by signing a pre-printed form at your financial institution.
Endowments: An endowment can create a lasting legacy to continue your tradition of annual gifts to the Society.
Charitable remainder trusts and gifts of residual interest: You can receive immediate tax savings and continue to receive income from a trust or the use of property, such as real estate, for the rest of your life.
Gifting your assets as part of estate planning
On behalf of the Alzheimer Society B.C., Financial Advisor Aidan Reid explains the advantages of gifting your assets here.
Circle of Hope
As our way of saying thank you, donors who include the Alzheimer Society of B.C. in their estate plans become members of the Circle of Hope.
The Circle of Hope is a recognition program that honours our dedicated friends who have planned a gift to the Alzheimer Society of B.C. Becoming a member of the Circle of Hope is simply a matter of letting us know that you have made the decision to support us. We do not need to know the specific details.
You can, of course, choose to remain anonymous, but by allowing us to honour you publicly in ways that suit you, we hope that other supporters will also be inspired to leave a legacy to the Society.
If you wish, please consider completing the attached Bequest confirmation form and forward it to a Gift Planning Officer to discuss (contact details below).
Thank you for considering a gift to the Alzheimer Society of B.C. We would be happy to give you information on the ways you can give, but we do not provide specific legal or financial advice. For help in preparing your gift, please consult a qualified professional.
For more information
Bryan Irving
Senior Associate, Major and Planned Giving
Phone: 604-742-4906
Leona Gonczy, PFP
Senior Planned Giving and Estates Officer
Phone: 604-742-4926
Toll-free: 1-800-667-3742
Fax: 604-669-6907
Note: The information on this page can help facilitate discussions between you and your estate planning advisor. It is not intended as legal or tax advice. We encourage you to seek advice from a qualified professional.