This week at the Alzheimer Society.
Week of January 22, 2024
Dementia webinar | Lived experience panel discussion: Finding a supportive community with Jana Schulz
In this lived experience webinar series, caregivers share their firsthand knowledge and unique experiences on the dementia journey and how Society support provided a sense of community. These webinars are a doorway to a better understanding of dementia and an opportunity to challenge the stigma associated with dementia. In this webinar, Jana Schulz, a caregiver and registered social worker, will lead a panel discussion on the importance of finding a supportive community within our programs and services. For the general public.
Online education | Mapping your journey: Stages and progression of dementia
While each dementia journey is unique, there are some signposts to the stages of dementia. Learn about what to expect as the disease
progresses and how you can manage changes as they happen. For caregivers and people living with dementia.