This week at the Alzheimer Society.
Week of March 11, 2024
Dementia webinar | Care at home: Moving from resistance to collaboration
British Columbia
Wed, Mar 13, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Changes in the brain due to dementia can affect abilities and behaviours; it can be
frustrating and upsetting when the person you are caring for is responding in an unexpected way. Join us to explore various behaviours changes and what might be causing them, and learn practical strategies for responding in supportive ways while providing care at home.
Yukon education workshop: Understanding and adapting to communication changes along the dementia journey
British Columbia
Fri, Mar 15, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Join us for an education workshop delving into strategies for effective communication with people living with dementia. Whether you are a care partner, family member or are affected by or concerned about dementia, this session explores invaluable insights and practical strategies to foster meaningful connections.