CTV’s Nafeesa Karim is running to raise awareness and funds.
Nafeesa Karim will be running the Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5k to let other families affected by the disease know they are not alone.

CTV’s Nafeesa Karim has run in the Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5k in support of the Alzheimer Society of B.C. for many years. When she decided to start raising funds and awareness for the dementia cause, she did it with someone in mind: her late grandmother, Roshan.
Nafeesa’s vibrant and music-loving Nanima was an intrinsic and important element of their family. Nafeesa knows the experience of having a family member diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and recalls how difficult it was when Roshan could no longer recognize her closest family members. Lacing up her shoes and running to raise awareness and funds is one way Nafeesa honours her grandmother’s memory.
Funds raised allow the Alzheimer Society of B.C. to provide vital programs and services to people affected by dementia, as well as create awareness of the disease and its impact on families in communities across B.C.
Nafeesa is currently training to run the half-marathon (21.1k) distance, which she plans to run later this month. While she hasn’t yet decided on her exact route, it will likely be along one of the beautiful waterfront routes in downtown Vancouver. You can donate to Nafeesa’s fundraising page or join her in taking part in this year’s Scotiabank Vancouver Half-marathon & 5k by registering at alzbc.org/Scotia-Half-Marathon.
This year’s Scotiabank Vancouver Half-marathon & 5k will be a virtual event held between June 2 and July 5, 2021. Choose from the 21.1k, 10k or 5k option and help the Alzheimer Society of B.C. achieve its vision of a world where people living with dementia, their caregivers and their families are acknowledged, welcomed and included – a truly dementia-friendly society.